DIY Herbal Cleansing Grains


Give a human skin care and they'll have good skin until the jar is empty. Teach them to make their own skincare, they'll have beautiful skin for life!

In my mission to evangelize to the world the glory that are Cleansing Grains, I thought I would give you the option to see just how easy and affordable they are to make!  The concept for our Bombini Simple Herb Polishing Grains was adapted from well known, Queen of all Herbalists, @rosemarygladstar. If you want to delve deeper into making your own creations, you can find her recipe and other herbal skin care recipes in her book, Herbs for Natural Beauty.

There are three things that I love about making your own Cleansing Grains:

1. You can tailor your recipe to exactly what you (or your skin) likes. I suggest keeping the base of oat flour and some clay, but you can change out the botanicals, add different ground grains or clays, throw in some powdered surfactant for a soapy feel, etc. The possibilities are endless.

2. You can source local ingredients for your sustainable Cleansing Grains. Our oat and barley flours from Scoop Marketplace in Kirkland, WA are grown and milled in the PNW and we feel pretty good about that.

3. I LOVE how simple, effective and affordable they are! They leave your skin cleansed, softened, soothed and work well for any skin type.

4 T  Oat Flour
1 T  Almond Flour
1/2 T  Clay
1 tsp Lavender Flower Powder

Here's how to make your own:

  1. Start with your base of Oats and Almonds.  You can grind your own, which sounds so quaint, but frankly, it makes this process much more difficult. Without a commercial grinder, we're just not able to grind the grains small enough meaning you'll need to sift them to remove the larger, sharp pieces. This is messy and creates waste. I suggest you use finely ground flours. A little of these grains goes a very long way, so if you can buy small quantities in bulk, that's even better!

  2. Add the clay. I'm using white kaolin clay but you could use any type of clay. Green sea clay and bentonite clay are good choices if your skin is on the oily side.

  3. Add the lavender flower powder. I love lavender, but I know some people don't care for it. Chamomile or Rose are good substitutes/additions.

  4. Mix it together and put it in a pretty bottle that makes you happy.  I suggest just keeping a small amount in the bathroom and store the rest in a cool, dark place. Keep water out of the jar.

How to Use the Cleansing Grains:

It takes a little practice to get the consistency you want, but they are simple to use.

  1. Put about a teaspoon full in the palm of one hand.

  2. Slowly drizzle some water into the grains.

  3. Dampen your other hand and rub your palms together to form a paste on your hands

  4. Very gently massage into your face and rinse!

  5. Pat dry and follow with a spritz of toner and your favorite Bombini Facial Oil for happy, healthy skin.

Easy peasy! Did you make your own? Tell us about your favorite ingredients!

Key BENEFITS: Cleansing & Soothing


Don’t want to make your own? You’ll love our Simple Herb Polishing Grains: