Dry Skin Blues


Achieving happy, healthy skin is what we're all about at Bombini. Let's talk about  something we all struggle with in the winter months, dryness.  Any skin type can experience some form of dryness at times. Dry winter air and artificial heating can lead to parched and flakey skin. Is the solution to just put on more moisturizer? Not necessarily. There may be more going on there than meets the eye. It's important to approach dry, dull skin from several angles and a good routine can make all the difference.

Light exfoliation is an important step in your winter skin care routine.

Gently removing the natural build up of dead skin cells on your face and body will help the top layer of your skin properly retain moisture. But it's also important to take it easy, many products on the market can be too abrasive for your skin. As we get older, our skin thins, especially on our face. You'll want to use a gentle exfoliator that is right for your skin type.


At Bombini, we believe in our simple, healthy skin care routine: Cleanse & exfoliate, Moisturize & Nourish.

This can be achieved with our Skin Care Regimen Sample Set containing a complete set of products that work together to maintain healthy, balanced skin. We have the Dry/Mature Set and our Finicky Skin Set for more oily/sensitive skin types. Gentle cleansing, light exfoliation, adding some moisture in the form of a hydrosol and locking it in with a nourishing facial oil is our simple, yet effective approach.  A weekly clay mask can further slough dead skin cells, infuse nutrients into the top layer of the skin, clear out clogged pores and plump tired, dehydrated skin. These sets contain enough for a month's worth of skin care to see if this approach works for your skin.

While you're caring for your face, it's also important to make sure your  body is staying hydrated too. We're less likely to drink water and more likely to amp up the coffee intake when it's cold. Make sure you're drinking a sufficient amount of water to keep your skin well hydrated. When you use gentle, balanced products that are right for your skin type, protect your skin from the elements that do harm and take care of your health and well-being,  your skin should be able to provide that healthy glow we all want to present to the world. Glow on!

Want to try gentle exfoliating for yourself?
Check out our Simple Herb Polishing Grains